What in the World are the World Games?

logo-topWe just got word that the United States, specifically Birmingham, Alabama, is going to play host to the 2021 World Games. Pretty neat, right? Right. But what exactly are the World Games?

IWGA President Jose Perurena announces Birmingham, Alabama as host city of the 2021 World Games.

IWGA President Jose Perurena announces Birmingham, Alabama as host city of the 2021 World Games.

The World Games are basically the Olympic Games for “non-traditional” sports, a.k.a all of those crazy, ridiculously awesome sports that like, you found out one kid in your high school class participated in during one of those “two truths and a lie” ice breakers. There are 31 different sports played at the World Games in the following categories: Artistic & Dance Sports, Ball Sports, Martial Arts, Precision Sports, Strength Sports, Trend Sports, and Invitational Sports. The city of Wroclaw, Poland will play host to the 10th World Games in 2017. 

In honor of this momentous occasion for Alabama, here are Power Forward’s Top 5 Sports You Can Only Find at the World Games: Continue reading